EUIPO EUIPO 2015 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark CLASSICFINDER was filed as Figurative mark on 10/24/2015 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/30/2016. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#One line or one band #Thin lines #Horizontal lines or bands

Trademark Details Last update: May 20, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 014724777
Application date October 24, 2015
Publication date December 22, 2015
Entry date March 30, 2016
Expiration date October 24, 2025

Trademark owner

Chausseestr. 86
10115 Berlin

Trademark representatives

goods and services

9 Computer software, other than software for searching for works of literature, music or art
16 Printed matter, other than in relation to works of literature, music or art
35 Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Auctioneering services; Provision of commercial and business contact information; retail and wholesale services relating to vehicles; None of the aforesaid services being related to searching for works of literature, music or art
36 Financial evaluation; Evaluation of chattels; None of the aforesaid services being related to searching for works of literature, music or art
38 Provision of on-line forums; Providing access to platforms and portals on the Internet; None of the aforesaid services being related to searching for works of literature, music or art
42 Surveying; Other than in relation to searching for works of literature, music or art

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 17, 2022 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11014724777