EUIPO EUIPO 2015 Application opposed

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The Union trademark SKYLINERS was filed as Word mark on 09/21/2015 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application opposed".

Trademark Details Last update: October 15, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 014570915
Application date September 21, 2015
Publication date November 17, 2015

Trademark owner

Walter-Möller-Platz 2
60439 Frankfurt

Trademark representatives

Avenida Federico Soto 13 03003 Alicante ES

Objection / Complaint

02/17/2016: Likelihood of confusion Unfair advantage /detriment to distinctiveness or repute Earlier non registered TM & right to prohibit use of later TM under national law
Sky limited

goods and services

16 Printed matter solely relating to basketball sport clubs/basketball sports teams
25 Clothing, including sportswear; footwear; headgear; all of the aforesaid solely relating to a basketball team
35 Distribution of goods for advertising purposes, advertising, marketing, merchandising (sales promotion), all of the aforesaid services solely relating to a basketball team; Production of promotional films; Rental of advertising films, presentation of advertising films, all of the aforesaid services solely relating to promoting a basketball team
41 Organising basketball competitions; publication of books, newspapers and periodicals, public entertainment; all of the aforesaid solely relating to a basketball team; sporting and cultural activities, entertainment, education, teaching; all the aforesaid services solely relating to a basketball team

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 3, 2024 Change Representative, Registered
August 3, 2023 Change Representative, Registered
January 8, 2020 Change Representative, Registered
June 20, 2019 Change Representative, Registered
February 22, 2019 Change Representative, Registered

ID: 11014570915