EUIPO EUIPO 2015 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark OncoBEAM was filed as Word mark on 05/29/2015 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/30/2015. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

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Trademark Details Last update: December 2, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 014179303
Application date May 29, 2015
Publication date June 23, 2015
Entry date September 30, 2015
Expiration date May 29, 2025

Trademark owner

1-5-1, Wakinohama-Kaigandori,Chuo-ku
Kobe, Hyogo

Trademark representatives

Arabellastr. 30 81925 München DE

goods and services

1 Chemical reagents and chemical preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use; biochemicals for scientific or research use; biochemical reagents for non-medical use; enzymes for scientific and research use; testing reagents and preparations; reagents for genetic test; diluents; buffer solutions; surfactants; reference control materials for scientific or research use; chemical reference materials for scientific or research use; quality control standard solutions and quality control materials used for testing and calibrating scientific or laboratory apparatus; emulsifying agents; chemical products for forming emulsion; chemical products for breaking emulsion; magnetic beads for use in scientific or research analysis; DNA polymerase; chemical preparations containing DNA fragments
3 Detergents; cleaning solutions; cleaning preparations; detergents for apparatus and instruments; cleaning solutions for apparatus and instruments; cleaning preparations for apparatus and instruments
5 Diagnostic reagents and diagnostic preparations for medical or veterinary use; chemical reagents and chemical preparations for medical or veterinary use; biochemical reagents for medical use; enzymes for use in medical analysis; testing reagents and preparations for medical or veterinary use; reagents for genetic test for medical or veterinary purposes; preparations for detecting mutations in genes for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic biomarker reagents for medical or veterinary use; reagents for clinical cancer test; diluents for medical or veterinary use; reference control materials for medical or veterinary use; quality control standard solutions and quality control materials for testing and calibrating medical or veterinary apparatus; detergents for medical or veterinary use; cleaning solutions for medical or veterinary use; cleaning preparations for medical or veterinary use; sheath solutions; magnetic beads for use in medical analysis; DNA polymerase for use in medical analysis; chemical preparations containing DNA fragments for use in medical analysis
9 Testing apparatus and instruments for scientific, research or laboratory use; laboratory apparatus and instruments; laboratory furniture for use in genetic testing; flow cytometers for scientific or laboratory use; flow-based particle analyzers for scientific, research or laboratory use; genetic analyzer for scientific, research or laboratory use; particle counters for scientific, research or laboratory use; genetic testing apparatus and instruments for scientific, research or laboratory use; gene amplification analyzers for scientific, research or laboratory use; oncology analyzers for scientific, research or laboratory use; biological sample pretreatment apparatus and instruments for scientific, research or laboratory use; measurement sample preparation apparatus and instruments for scientific, research or laboratory use; pretreatment apparatus and instruments for genetic test; testing instruments for genetic test; laboratory instruments for extracting nucleic acid in a biological sample for scientific, research or laboratory use; microplates for laboratory experiment; test tubes for scientific, research or laboratory use; pipette tips for scientific, research or laboratory use; computers; computer programs for use in the field of scientific or laboratory analysis; electronic publications
10 Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; apparatus for use in medical analysis; testing apparatus and instruments for medical or clinical use; diagnostic apparatus and instruments for medical or clinical use; flow cytometers for medical or clinical use; flow-based particle analyzers for medical or clinical use; particle counters for medical or clinical use; genetic testing apparatus and instruments for medical or clinical use; gene amplification analyzers for medical or clinical use; oncology analyzers for medical or clinical use; biological sample pretreatment apparatus and instruments for medical or clinical use; measurement sample preparation apparatus and instruments for medical or clinical use; pretreatment apparatus and instruments for genetic test; pipettes for use in medical analysis; measuring apparatus and instruments for use in medical analysis; computer program for use in the field of medical, clinical or diagnostic analysis; containers for use with samples for in vitro diagnosis; sampling bottles for use in medical analysis; disposable beakers for use in medical analysis

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 31, 2024 Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark

ID: 11014179303