EUIPO EUIPO 2015 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark accesso SIRIUSWARE was filed as Figurative mark on 04/02/2015 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/11/2019. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

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Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#One star #Incomplete stars

Trademark Details Last update: October 15, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 013909718
Application date April 2, 2015
Publication date June 25, 2015
Entry date April 11, 2019
Expiration date April 2, 2025

Trademark owner

Unit 2, The Pavilions, Ruscombe Park
RG10 9NN Twyford

Trademark representatives

Mindspace Eurotheum Neue Mainzer Straße 66-68 60311 Frankfurt DE

Objection / Complaint

09/24/2015: Likelihood of confusion
Mastercard International Incorporated

goods and services

9 Software for facilitating the sale, creation, validation, recording and reporting of admission to entertainment venues, attractions, sporting venues, fairs, festivals, museums, theatrical venues, cultural events, amusement parks, ski resorts and other locations; ticketing software for entertainment venues, attractions, sporting venues, fairs, festivals, museums, theatrical venues, cultural events, amusement parks, ski resorts and other locations; software for facilitating the sale and issuance of tickets, merchandise and reservations for entertainment venues, attractions, sporting venues, fairs, festivals, museums, theatrical venues, cultural events, amusement parks, ski resorts and other locations; software for facilitating the sale and issuance of tickets, merchandise and reservations for entertainment venues, attractions, sporting venues, fairs, festivals, museums, theatrical venues, cultural events, amusement parks, ski resorts and other locations being online, in person, on the phone or via personal digital assistant; software for facilitating and enabling the sale and issuance of food, drink and merchandise for entertainment venues, attractions, sporting venues, fairs, festivals, museums, theatrical venues, cultural events, amusement parks, ski resorts and other locations; software for monitoring stock levels and stock control; software for user authentication of electronic payment transactions via the internet or as part of a closed network; software for obtaining and maintaining reservations; software for ticketing and pricing; software for point-of-sale equipment comprising terminals and printers; software for check-out and return and tracking of rental equipment; software for inventory control; software for database management for scheduling and maintaining lesson schedules; software for identification and access control using identification cards and PIN cards, in the field of entertainment and recreational activities, namely, for ski resorts, amusement parks, and theaters; software for the running of loyalty cards and gift cards; software for analysing data with respect to loyalty cards and gift cards; software for use with biometric scanners to enable payment and user authentication
41 Ticketing services for entertainment venues, attractions, sporting venues, fairs, festivals, museums, theatrical venues, cultural events, ski resorts and theme parks rendered online, in-person, via phone or via personal digital assistant; rental of electronic devices for the delivery of venue information via electronic device regarding amusement parks, theme parks, ski resorts, and other entertainment, sporting, theatrical, business, festival, museum, cultural and educational event venues

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 4, 2024 Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
October 27, 2023 Change Representative, Published
April 9, 2019 Change Representative, Registered
October 2, 2018 Change Representative, Registered
April 24, 2017 RAW: Rights in rem - Creation of rights in rem, Published

ID: 11013909718