EUIPO EUIPO 2015 Application refused

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The Union trademark FUNCTIONAL SAFETY CONSULTANCY was filed as Word mark on 01/29/2015 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application refused".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 013692686
Application date January 29, 2015

Trademark owner

Pitfield, Kiln Farm
MK11 3DR Milton Keynes

Trademark representatives

Redcliff Quay 120 Redcliff Street BS1 6HU Bristol GB

goods and services

42 Safety engineering; industrial safety engineering; safety engineering services for the oil, gas, petrochemical, nuclear and other industries; safety integrity level risk analysis; safety compliance validation
45 Safety consultancy; industrial safety consultancy; safety consultancy relating to international and national safety standards; safety consultancy relating to international and national safety standards for electronic and electrical safety related systems; safety integrity level assessment; safety compliance assessment; safety consultancy services for the oil, gas, petrochemical, nuclear and other industries

ID: 11013692686