EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark DESIGNER VOIDAGE was filed as Word mark on 12/29/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/11/2015. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

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Trademark Details Last update: July 1, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 013612221
Application date December 29, 2014
Publication date June 4, 2015
Entry date September 11, 2015
Expiration date December 29, 2024

Trademark owner

1 St James's Square
SW1Y 4PD London

Trademark representatives

Varso Tower Chmielna 69 00-801 Warsaw PL

goods and services

9 Computer software, namely, algorithms and computer programs to predict the response of Enhanced Oil Recovery techniques, to create a scientific model of an oil reservoir; measuring apparatus and equipment used for measuring relative permeability, porosity, composition and lithology of reservoir rock, temperature and pressure of a reservoir, acidity and composition of crude oil and reservoir water; measuring apparatus and equipment used for special core analysis and core flooding experiments of samples taken from oil and gas wells
35 Business consulting services relating to the extraction of oil and gas; business consulting services relating to the oil and gas industry; business consulting services relating to the deployment of voidage and pressure management technology in an oil reservoir
37 Oil field exploitation for the extraction of oil; oil extraction services; services for enhanced oil recovery from oil wells; consultancy and advisory services relating to the extraction of oil, enhanced oil recovery and improving efficiency and output of oil wells; managing and altering pressure in an oil reservoir to enhance extraction; oil field exploitation for the extraction of oil;   services for enhanced oil recovery from oil wells; managing and altering pressure in an oil reservoir to enhance extraction
42 Scientific services relating to the extraction of oil and gas;  technical data analysis; technical advice and consulting services in the area of oil and gas recovery; engineering services for enhanced oil recovery from oil wells; services for improving efficiency and output of oil and gas wells; engineering and technological services for improving efficiency and output of oil and gas wells; technical processes for increasing oil and gas production; technical consulting relating to computer modelling software and data analysis; provision of technical consultancy to the petroleum industry; computer modelling services; development of technologies for increasing oil and gas production; industrial processes for increasing oil and gas production; services for improving efficiency and output of oil and gas wells engineering and technological processes for increasing oil and gas production; industrial and technical processes to prevent the clogging of oil and gas wells; development and analysis of industrial and technical processes, methods for prevention of oil and gas well clogging; measuring of waterflood response; technical consultation services in the field of oil recovery

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 2, 2024 Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
December 20, 2022 Change Representative, Published
January 7, 2021 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11013612221