EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark MARMORIT was filed as Word mark on 11/27/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/17/2015. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: November 14, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 013503826
Application date November 27, 2014
Publication date May 8, 2015
Entry date August 17, 2015
Expiration date November 27, 2034

Trademark owner

Am Bahnhof 7
97346 Iphofen

Trademark representatives

goods and services

1 Chemicals used in industry; Adhesives used in industry; All of the aforesaid goods being for treatment and processing of plasterboard and insulation panels of plaster and of facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic; Artificial resins, unprocessed; Unprocessed plastics
2 Dyestuffs; Varnish; Varnish; Oil-resistant paints; Floor paints; Paints for interiors; Exterior paint; Primers; All of the aforesaid goods being for treatment and processing of plasterboard and insulation panels of plaster and of facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic
6 Metal building materials; Fastenings of metal and rails of metal for mounting insulation panels; Window sills of metal; Silos of metal, For processing of plaster and dry mortar
7 Machines, Namely plastering machines, Pumps [machines] and Machine tools; Plaster spraying machines
8 Hand tools and implements (hand-operated) for use in building; All of the aforesaid goods being for treatment and processing of plasterboard and insulation panels of plaster and of facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic; Hand-operated plastering machines
17 Plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; Packing, stopping and insulating materials; Thermal insulation panels, in particular thermal insulation boards of polystyrene, mineral wool and/or wood fibre; Plinth weathering profile mouldings (not of metal) for heat protection facades, in particular of polystyrene, mineral wool and/or foam-like plastic; Insulating plaster; Joint tape for sealing and/or insulating purposes
19 Gypsum plaster, mortar, adhesive and reinforcing mortar for treatment and processing of plasterboard and insulation panels of plaster and of facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic; Non-metallic building materials for creating facades and facade parts and for cladding facades and facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic; Scaffolding, not of metal; Boards of gypsum plaster; Lime; Burnt lime; Unburned lime; Modelling plaster; Mastics used in building for treatment and processing of plasterboard and insulation panels of plaster and of facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic; Organic binding agents for use in building; Reinforced fabrics; Fabric corner brackets (edge protectors); Plastering strips (not of metal), For buildings; Mouldings, not of metal, for building, for treatment and processing of plasterboard and insulation panels of plaster and of facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic; Design elements and shaped bodies of lightweight materials (not of metal) for heat protection facades, in particular of polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic
20 Containers of plastic for transporting building materials; Dowels of plastic for treatment and processing of plasterboard and insulation panels of plaster and of facade parts of plaster, polystyrene, mineral wool or foam-like plastic; Fastenings of metal and rails of metal for mounting insulation panels

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 13, 2024 Extension, Trade mark renewed
July 6, 2022 Transfer / Change of address, Published
May 13, 2016 Change Representative, Published
December 21, 2015 Correction, Published

ID: 11013503826