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The Union trademark SK-II MAGNETIC WAND was filed as Word mark on 09/26/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/04/2015.
The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".
3Beauty care products and preparations; skin care preparations and products [cosmetic and non-medicated]; facial care products [cosmetic]; body care preparations and products [non-medicated]; natural body care products [non-medicated] for the face and the skin; cosmetics; cosmetic preparations; exfoliants for the care and cleansing of the skin; non-medicated preparations for moisturising, nourishing, toning and the care of the skin; preparations in the form of emulsions for the care of the skin [non-medicated]; make-up preparations; facial packs [cosmetic]; beauty masks; facial wipes impregnated with cosmetics; masks for the face [cosmetic]; cleansing masks; creams for wrinkles; creams for firming the skin; lipsticks; lip moisturizers and conditioners; liquid and powder foundation; make-up base; skin moisturizing creams, lotions and gels; skin whitening preparations; skin toners; skin cleansers and astringents; eye masks (cosmetics); eye creams, lotions and gels; skin and body massage creams; soaps; perfumeries; essential oils; dentifrices; shampoos; conditioners in the form of sprays for the scalp; hair conditioner; skin conditioners; hair styling preparations; hair care preparations; hair coloring preparations; all included in Class 3
Trademark history
Document number
February 29, 2024
Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
July 29, 2019
Change Representative, Published
March 29, 2017
Transfer / Change of address, Published
February 20, 2015
Change Representative, Published
ID: 11013304291
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