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The Union trademark CeMetX was filed as Word mark on 09/18/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/10/2015.
The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".
Thurn-und-Taxis-Platz 6
60313 Frankfurt am Main
goods and services
1Chemicals used in industry; Chemical preparations for scientific purposes, other than for medical or veterinary use
5Medicines for human purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Medicines for veterinary purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Medicines for dental purposes; Biological preparations for medical purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Biological preparations for veterinary purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Chemical preparations for medical purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Chemical preparations for veterinary purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Chemical preparations for medical or veterinary use, In particular being antirheumatics; Chemico-pharmaceutical preparations, In particular being antirheumatics; Capsules for medicines, In particular being antirheumatics; Cachets for pharmaceutical purposes, In particular being antirheumatics; Pharmaceutical preparations, In particular being antirheumatics; Veterinary preparations, In particular being antirheumatics
42Chemistry services; Chemistry services; Chemical analysis; Surveying; Chemical research; Clinical trials; Quality control; Technical project studies; Research services, Laboratory (Scientific -) services
Trademark history
Document number
February 21, 2024
Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
November 24, 2023
Transfer / Change of address, Published
November 22, 2023
Change Representative, Published
August 1, 2018
Change Representative, Published
March 22, 2017
Change Representative, Published
ID: 11013269329
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