EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark TULPLAST was filed as Word mark on 06/24/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/11/2014. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: April 10, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 013025697
Application date June 24, 2014
Publication date September 3, 2014
Entry date December 11, 2014
Expiration date June 24, 2034

Trademark owner

ul. Wiosenna 27
62021 Paczkowo

Trademark representatives

Skórzewo, ul. Truskawkowa 12 60-185 Poznań PL

goods and services

6 Goods of metal relating to fencing, fences of metal, grid fittings of metal, namely grommets, mounting screws, tensioners, grid tensioners, bands; Panel fittings of metal: clamps for fence posts, corner and end clamps, mounting elements - clips, bridge connectors, panel connectors, hook screws, spacers, accessories of metal for portable and wrought fences: clips, clamps, angle irons; Masking ratchets, wire pulleys, for fixing fence posts
19 Building materials (non-metallic), Fences, not of metal, Fence fittings, not of metal, fittings of plastic, namely caps and covers, masking screws, profiles of plastic, latticework, not of metal; Building materials, not of metal, Prefabricated blocks and bases of concrete, Framework for building, not of metal
35 Retailing, wholesaling, sale via the internet (online sale) and mail order sale of the following goods: goods of metal relating to fencing, fences of metal, fencing mesh, grid fittings of metal, namely grommets, mounting screws, tensioners, grid tensioners, bands, panel fittings of metal, namely clamps for fence posts, corner and end clamps, mounting elements, namely clips, bridge connectors, panel connectors, hook screws, spacer elements, fittings of metal for portable and wrought fences, namely clips, clamps, angle irons, masking ratchet, wire pulleys, for fixing fence posts, building materials (non-metallic), fences, not of metal, fence fittings, not of metal, fittings of plastic, namely caps and covers, masking screws, profiles of plastic, latticework, not of metal, mechanisms for barriers, fences, doors and gates, gate fittings, gate locks and mounting fittings, namely ferrules for fencing posts, grommets for mounting wire, support grips, brace spacers, automatic devices for gates, prefabricated blocks and bases of concrete, framework for building, not of metal, furniture accessories, upholstery accessories
37 Assembly of fences, grates for sealing off real estate, property, construction sites and similar facilities, and ground works associated therewith; Building construction, Site preparation, Building installations, Rebuilding, Repair, Finishing works, investor's supervision, on-site supervision
44 Design and decoration of green areas around office and commercial buildings, bungalows and residential estates

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 21, 2024 Extension, Trade mark renewed
October 14, 2019 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11013025697