EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark HOME VISION was filed as Word mark on 05/05/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/03/2014. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: March 15, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 012844882
Application date May 5, 2014
Publication date August 26, 2014
Entry date December 3, 2014
Expiration date May 5, 2034

Trademark owner

Am Rottkamp 2
48653 Coesfeld

Trademark representatives

Verspoel 12 48143 Münster DE

goods and services

2 Alizarine dyes; Aluminium paints; Aluminium powder for painting; Aniline dyes; Paints and washes; Watercolors (Fixatives for -); Coatings; Anti-fouling paints; Auramine; Mordants, in particular wood mordants; Binding agents for paints; Metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; Foil (Silver -) [leaf]; Bronze powder; Bronzing lacquers; Tarred felt (Coatings for -) [paints]; Thickeners for colours; Printing compositions (ink); Enamels (varnishes); Enamel paints; Colour mordants, Wood glazes; Colours, In particular emulsion paints, Glazes; Dye pastes; Varnishes; Fixatives (varnishes); Glazes; Engraving ink; Primers; Priming agents for paints, lacquers, glazes and preservatives against rust; Gamboge for painting; Shellac; Resins, included in class 2; Wood preservatives; Wood mordants; Preservatives against deterioration of wood, including with a wax portion; Preparations for preventing the deterioration of wood; Wood preserving oils; Ceramic paints; Lacquers and varnishes; Glazes; Mackle in the form of paint preparations, and in powder form; Metals in powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; Protective preparations for metals; Colours; Raw materials for manufacturing paints (included in class 2); Preservatives against rust; Anti-rust oils; Soot (colorant); Blacks (colorants or paints); Silver paste; Silvering powders; Spray-on paints; Coatings in the nature of sprays [paints]; Turpentine (paint thinners); Substitutes for terpentine (paint thinner); Badigeon; Thinners for lacquers, In particular synthetic resin varnishes, Paints, wood preservatives; Gildings; Wax-based varnishes for painting wood; Distempers; Whites [colorants or paints]; Varnishes, lacquers, paints, dyes, mordants
16 Stripping frames; Ceiling brushes, wallpaper brushes; Printed matter, in particular prospectuses, brochures, flyers; Ink pads for applying paint; Paint trays; Painting, lacquering and structuring rollers; Flat brushes in the form of paint brushes for painting large areas, ink rollers, varnish rollers, structured rollers, paint rollers, tassels, wallpaper rails, pressure rollers, seam rollers; Painting and wallpapering brushes; Paintbrushes; Canvas for painting; Palettes for painters; Wide paint brushes; House painters' rollers, In particular paint rollers, inking rollers, varnishing rollers, texture rollers; Painting templates; Painting tools, In particular stirring rods; Paintbrushes; Painters' easels; Paintbrushes (ring, flat, angle and radiator brushes)
40 Manufacture of ready-to-use paints from their basic components; Consultancy with regard to the mixing of paints and the manufacture of ready-to-use paints, In particular composition of ready-to-use paints from their basic components; Leather staining, shoe staining, fur dyeing, cloth dyeing and textile dyeing; Colour mixing, in particular mixing of ready-to-use paints, lacquers, glazes and/or plaster from neutral-coloured bases and coloured pastes into the individually required colour, including at all points of sale, for others; Lithographic printing; Colour mixing consultancy, Consultancy with regard to the mixing of paints and the manufacture of ready-to-use paints, In particular composition of ready-to-use paints from their basic components; Colour mixing consultancy, colour analysis for colour matching, in particular using a spectrophotometer; Material treatment information; Colour separation (electronic); Silver-plating; Gold-plating; Compilation of ready-to-use paints from their basic components, being a service; Custom assembling of materials for others

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 12, 2024 Extension, Trade mark renewed
November 21, 2019 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11012844882