EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark OMNIENT was filed as Word mark on 04/17/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/11/2014. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: April 24, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 012802922
Application date April 17, 2014
Publication date June 4, 2014
Entry date September 11, 2014
Expiration date April 17, 2034

Trademark owner

Theilerstrasse 1a
6300 Zug

Trademark representatives

Leopoldstr. 4 80802 München DE

goods and services

9 Computer software; computer programs; computer software relating to finance and financial trading
35 Business management; business administration; office functions; business accounting services; administrative support services; regulatory compliance; providing services to other organizations to allow them to optimize business, financial and trading performance; providing backoffice functions; support services for online trading and e-commerce; compiling, input and systematic ordering of information in databases; advisory services relating to business management; data searches in computer files (for others); professional business consultations; business information; provision of information in the field of business management, business marketing; market analysis; conducting business and market research surveys; economic forecasting and analysis; preparing business reports; business process outsourcing services in the fields of infrastructure, computer and software applications, finance and accounting
36 Financial services; financial information; financial analysis; financial consulting; information services relating to finance, markets, news and analytics; providing financial data, information and analytics; providing financial data for trading, for clearing and settlement of financial transactions, for custody services (safekeeping and management of financial instruments), risk management, compliance activities and services related to reporting obligations; providing financial data for the composition and calculation of indices and other financial information products; providing indices as underlyings or benchmarks for financial products and financial contracts; preparing financial reports
37 Installation, implementation, maintenance and repair services in the field of computer systems, computer networks and computer hardware
38 Telecommunication and communication services; providing access to computer networks and electronic communications networks; providing technical infrastructure and network to allow online transactions
42 Computer services, including data storage and data base services; computer and technical support services; computer network management; providing virtual computer systems and virtual computer environments through cloud computing; network monitoring; computer software design and development; customizing computer software; installation of computer software; maintenance and updating of computer software; computer software advisory and consultancy services; rental of computer software and computers

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 23, 2024 Extension, Trade mark renewed
February 18, 2019 Transfer / Change of address, Published
September 20, 2017 Transfer / Change of address, Published
March 2, 2015 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11012802922