EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark VALUE COST AVERAGING was filed as Word mark on 02/26/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/11/2014. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: March 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 012638227
Application date February 26, 2014
Publication date August 4, 2014
Entry date November 11, 2014
Expiration date February 26, 2034

Trademark owner

Kinetic Business Centre, Theobold Street
WD6 4PJ Elstree

Trademark representatives

76-78 rue de Merl 2146 Luxembourg LU

goods and services

9 Compact discs all in the nature of audio and video programmes relating to personal wealth creation and financial education; digital versatile discs all in the nature of audio and video programmes relating to personal wealth creation and financial education; recordable discs all in the nature of audio and video programmes relating to personal wealth creation and financial education; video recordings all in the nature of audio and video programmes relating to wealth creation and financial education; downloadable electronic publications including instructional material, teaching materials and booking forms for seminars, lectures and workshops; CD and DVD cases; all in the field of personal wealth creation and financial education
16 Printed matter; publications; books; periodicals and manuals; printed matter including instructional and teaching materials; photographs; printed labels; plastic materials for packaging; CD and DVD covers; all in the field of personal wealth creation and financial education for trading stocks and shares
41 Business training and education services; publication of books, newsletters and journals; publication of printed matter in electronic format, including on the Internet; arranging and conducting seminars, training, lectures and conferences; the preparation and presentation of audio visual materials for training purposes; dissemination of instructional and teaching materials; preparation of course materials for distribution at any of the above training events; professional consultancy; mentoring and coaching services; all in the field of personal wealth creation and financial education

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 7, 2024 Extension, Trade mark renewed
June 20, 2022 Transfer / Change of address, Published
January 5, 2021 Change Representative, Published
July 14, 2015 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11012638227