Biological and chemical substances used in industry and for scientific and research purposes
In-vitro diagnostics for medical purposes; biological and chemical substances used in medical scientific and medical research purposes; all of the aforementioned goods solely in the field of clinical, medical and veterinary diagnosis
Scientific apparatus and instruments for laboratory use; software programs for operation and maintenance of electrophoretic apparatuses, homogenizers, spectrophotometers and laboratory robots; software programs for creating experimental profiles, providing experimental reports and reports of apparatus performance verification in the medical and diagnostic field; software programs for analyzing, displaying and visualizing experimental data and biological data; all of the aforesaid goods not in the field of process measurement technology, human resources, finance and accounting, all aforesaid goods/services exclusively in the field of medical diagnostics and without any relation to the field of document management, electronic archiving, archive systems and long-term archiving, enterprise content management, storage and recording of electronic documents and files, and electronic file management
Medical apparatus and implements, none being apparatus or instruments for use in cosmetic or aesthetic practice or procedures; apparatus for the conducting and evaluation of diagnostic examinations for medical purposes, none being for use in the field of cosmetic or aesthetic practice or procedures; all aforesaid goods/services exclusively in the field of medical diagnostics and without any relation to the field of document management, electronic archiving, archive systems and long-term archiving, enterprise content management, storage and recording of electronic documents and files, and electronic file management
Scientific and technological services and research services, including consultancy services for scientific, technical laboratory and research purposes; laboratories; development of software programs for the operation and maintenance of electrophoretic apparatuses, homogenizers, spectrophotometers and laboratory robots; development of software programs for creating experimental profiles, providing experimental reports and reports of apparatus performance verification in the medical and diagnostic field; development of software programs for analyzing, displaying and visualizing experimental data and biological data; none of the aforementioned services being in the field of cosmetic or aesthetic practice or procedures; all of the aforesaid services not in the field of process measurement technology, human resources, finance and accounting, all aforesaid goods/services exclusively in the field of medical diagnostics and without any relation to the field of document management, electronic archiving, archive systems and long-term archiving, enterprise content management, storage and recording of electronic documents and files, and electronic file management