EUIPO EUIPO 2012 Registration expired

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The Union trademark STRONGBOW H.P. BULMER was filed as 3D mark on 04/04/2012 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/25/2012. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Small cylindrical or elliptical containers (such as tubes for pills or for lipsticks, pots for cosmetic cream, preserve tins, jars, cans)

Trademark Details Last update: February 15, 2023

Trademark form 3D mark
File reference 010787224
Application date April 4, 2012
Publication date July 18, 2012
Entry date October 25, 2012
Expiration date April 4, 2022

Trademark owner

Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21
1017 ZD Amsterdam

Trademark representatives

2Amsterdam Eduard van Beinumstraat 10 3rd Floor 1077 CZ Amsterdam NL

goods and services

32 Beer; fruit beer; ale; bitter; lager; stout; porter; shandy; mineral water; fruit flavoured beer; vegetable flavoured beer; apple beer; aerated water; non-alcoholic drinks; fruit flavoured drinks; fruit juices; vegetable flavoured drinks; vegetable juices; cordials; mixtures containing any of the aforesaid; preparations for making any of the aforesaid
33 Alcoholic beverages; cider; perry; wines; spirits; liqueurs; cocktails; alcoholic extracts; alcoholic essences; alcoholic carbonates; alcoholic beverages containing fruit, fruit juice or fruit essence; alcoholic beverages containing vegetables, vegetable juice or vegetable essence; mixtures containing any of the aforesaid; preparations for making any of the aforesaid

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 4, 2023 Extension, Trade mark expired
September 5, 2016 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11010787224