EUIPO EUIPO 2011 Registration expired

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The Union trademark SRNUTRITIONALS was filed as Word mark on 12/08/2011 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 06/11/2012. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: October 11, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 010478675
Application date December 8, 2011
Publication date March 2, 2012
Entry date June 11, 2012
Expiration date December 8, 2021

Trademark owner

225 Gateway Boulevard
94080 South San Francisco,

Trademark representatives

Am Kaffee-Quartier 3 28217 Bremen DE

goods and services

1 Chemical additives containing microalgae or microalgae extracts for use in the manufacture of nourishing substances that are eaten, drunk or otherwise taken into a body to sustain life, provide energy or promote growth; Chemical additives for use in the manufacture of foodstuffs, foods, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals or animal feed
5 Dietary and nutritional food supplements; Nutraceuticals for use as dietary supplements; Feed supplements for animals or pets; Microalgae or microalgae extracts for use in dietary and nutritional food supplements, nutraceuticals, and feed supplements for animals or pets
29 Proteins, oils, fats, dietary fibers and other processed foodstuffs for use in foods, dietary supplements or nutraceuticals; Proteins, oils, sugars, fats, flours, starches, dietary fibers and other processed foodstuffs for use in nourishing substances containing microalgae that are eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy or promote growth; Protein, oils, sugars, fats, flours, starches, dietary fibers and other processed foodstuffs for use in animal feed or pet food; Microalgae and microalgae extracts containing lipids, proteins, fibers, and/or oils for use in foods, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and a wide variety of goods
30 Sugars,flours, starches
31 Animal feed or pet foodt

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 8, 2022 Extension, Trade mark expired
November 25, 2013 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11010478675