
EUIPO EUIPO 2011 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Rhenus was filed as Word mark on 05/02/2011 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/07/2011. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 009932658
Application date May 2, 2011
Publication date June 30, 2011
Entry date October 7, 2011
Expiration date May 2, 2031

Trademark owner

Hamburgring 45
41179 Mönchengladbach

Trademark representatives

goods and services

1 Chemical additives for lubricants and oils for metalworking
2 Anti-corrosive preparations, preservatives against rust (oxidisation)
4 Industrial oils and greases; Industrial oil for metalworking; Lubricants,In particular cooling lubricants and Lubricating grease; Metalworking fluids; Spray lubricants; Cooling lubricants; Metalworking fluids in the form of industrial oils and greases (included in class 4); Dust absorbing, wetting, and binding compositions
35 Process management, namely professional business and organisational planning of production processes, other than in the field of industrial metalworking and metal production; Retail and wholesale services, including for mail order and by means of online shops, in relation to the following goods, and assortment (except transport) of the following goods, for others, for presentation and sales purposes, and order placement, all in relation to chemical additives for lubricants and for metalworking oils, anti-corrosive preparations, anti-rust preparations, industrial oils and greases, industrial oils for metalworking, lubricants, metalworking fluids, spray lubricants, cooling lubricants, metalworking fluids in the form of industrial oils and greases, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions
42 Process management, namely conducting technical tests, Technical monitoring of production processes and Technical consultancy; Chemical analysis; Technical consultancy,In particular chemical and fluid management; Technical testing, Technical monitoring of production processes and Technical consultancy with regard to industrial metalworking and metal production; Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Industrial analysis and research services; All the aforesaid services other than in the field of industrial metalworking and metal production

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 3, 2021 Extension, Trade mark renewed
January 31, 2019 Transfer / Change of address, Published
March 17, 2014 Change Representative, Published
November 3, 2011 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11009932658