EUIPO EUIPO 2010 Registration expired

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The Union trademark iCWP was filed as Word mark on 06/02/2010 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/30/2011. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 009148511
Application date June 2, 2010
Publication date August 17, 2010
Entry date August 30, 2011
Expiration date June 2, 2020

Trademark owner

Innovationsstr. 1
1100 Wien

Trademark representatives

Landstraßer Hauptstraße 50 1030 Wien AT

Objection / Complaint

10/01/2010: Likelihood of confusion
Udo Höllstern

goods and services

9 Communications control centres, gateways, radio gateways, telephone installations, in particular for voice over IP; Digital workstation apparatus; Hardware and software for electronic communications equipment, communications devices for wireless telephony, communications apparatus for the transmission of images, sound and data, allowing for increased security requirements, in relation to reliability, data security and data integrity, for air traffic control, the police, fire brigade, railways, shipping, rescue services and the military; Communications apparatus for encrypting and decrypting transmitted data; Traffic control centres and communications centres and terminals for communications with increased security requirements, in particular for air traffic control, the police, fire brigade, railways, shipping, rescue services and the military; Electrical and electronic communications equipment; Monitors, displays, touch panels for communications apparatus with increased security requirements in relation to reliability, data security and data integrity, for air traffic control, the police, fire brigade, railways, shipping, rescue services and the military; Keyboards, Calculators, Mice, Printers, Modems; Control centres for communications and for voice transmission, Sound, Images or data
11 Lighting elements, lighting lamps, table lamps, office lights, spotlamps
20 Furniture, work tables, desks, armchairs
37 Construction, commissioning, maintenance, repair, assembly and disassembly of electronic apparatus and installations for communications, and for the transmission of speech, sound, images and data, for air traffic control, the police, fire brigade, railways, shipping, rescue services and the military; Construction and maintenance of control centres and workstations for communications with increased security standards, in particular for the police, fire brigade, rescue services and the military, and for transport-related radio telephony, in particular in aviation; Construction of workstations, construction of communications control centres
42 Design and development of hardware and software for communications control centres, gateways and communications equipment; Design, development and planning of control centres and workstations for communications with increased security standards, in particular for the police, fire brigade, rescue services and the military, and for transport-related radio telephony, in particular in aviation; Design agency services,Development and planning of failure-safe communications apparatus; Planning of data communications networks with regard to increased security requirements; Process analysis and optimisation, in particular for communications control and traffic control centres; Planning and design of electronic equipment and control centres for communications, and for the transmission of speech, sound, images and data, for air traffic control, the police, fire brigade, railways, shipping, rescue services and the military; Planning and development of control centres for communications, and for the transmission of speech, sound, images and data

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 2, 2021 Extension, Trade mark expired
April 3, 2014 Transfer / Change of address, Published
April 3, 2014 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11009148511