EUIPO EUIPO 2009 Registration expired

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The Union trademark ISSAV was filed as Word mark on 11/10/2009 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/03/2010. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: September 21, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 008713471
Application date November 10, 2009
Publication date January 18, 2010
Entry date May 3, 2010
Expiration date November 10, 2019

Trademark owner

Alte Nußdorfer Straße 13
88662 Überlingen

Trademark representatives

Zentrale Patentabteilung Diehl Stiftung & Co KG Stephanstr. 49 90478 Nürnberg DE

goods and services

9 Alarm apparatus; distance recording apparatus; computers; computer programs (recorded); computer softwares (recorded); data-processing equipment; receivers (audio and video); remote control devices; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of image information; cameras; camera systems; checking (supervision) apparatus; monitors (computer hardware); radar apparatus; sensors; sensor networks; surveillance apparatus; the aforesaid goods in particular for use in the military sector and/or in the field of monitoring and protection
38 Providing access to global computer networks; provision of telecommunication connections to global computer networks; communication through fibre optic networks; communication by computer terminals; electronic mail; computer-aided transmission of messages and images; rental of message sending apparatus; satellite transmission; voice transmission services; arranging access to computer databases; the aforesaid services in particular in the military sector and/or in the field of networking and evaluating monitoring apparatus, cameras systems, sensor networks
42 Updating, modifying and adapting of computer software; software maintenance; computer software design; computer systems design; computer programming; implementation of computer programs on networks; installation of computer programs; configuring computer networks by means of software; configuration of sensor networks using software; computer programming; engineering services; physics research; the aforesaid services in particular in the military sector and/or in the field of networking and evaluating monitoring apparatus, cameras systems, sensor networks

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 18, 2020 Extension, Trade mark expired
March 7, 2017 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11008713471