EUIPO EUIPO 2008 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark THEREFORE was filed as Word mark on 10/29/2008 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/17/2010. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 007375314
Application date October 29, 2008
Publication date November 2, 2009
Entry date February 17, 2010
Expiration date October 29, 2028

Trademark owner

Wiener Str. 2/2
2340 Mödling

Trademark representatives

Bräunerstraße 11A 1010 Wien AT

goods and services

9 Computer software (recorded and downloadable) and computer programs; computer software (recorded and downloadable) and computer programs for the archiving, indexing, management, storage, retrieval and reproduction of documents of all kinds, computer components for the identification and classification of documents for data processing and document management purposes; recording and display apparatus, scanners, electronic publications; optical data media, optical discs (data processing), computer security software and authentication software for controlling access to, and communication with, computers; application and business software for databases, data capture, data analysis, graphics, CAD/CAM, presentations, computer programs for managing communications and data and information exchange over computer networks, wireless networks and global communication networks; computer software for recording, organizing, editing and transmitting information in typed, hand written and voice format; computer software for accessing web messaging and shared documents
16 Books, periodicals, printed matter; documentation for computer programs, computers, computer components, computer peripheral devices; user manuals, reference manuals and technical manuals, data sheets, reference cards and templates; periodicals, magazines and newsletters; labels and holographic labels, not of textile
35 Services in the field of, and in connection with, electronic data processing (not included in other classes), namely storage, management, archiving and retrieval of data, in particular documents and information; computerised file management, compilation and systemisation of data in computer databases; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; creation and management of files, for others; document management, in particular using computers, creating archives, in particular creating electronic archives; electronic data processing consultancy; organising and operating databases, namely systemisation and compiliation of data in computer databases
38 Business on-line information services, namely, providing website links to other content providers in the field of business issues; computer services, namely transmission of texts, sound, graphics and images for use on computer networks, wireless networks and global communications networks; computer services, namely, leasing access time to software and databases for use in business management, database management, marketing and promotional activities, preparation of spreadsheets, and word processing; consulting services in the fields of telecommunications; leasing access time to a computer database; granting access to software
42 Creation of computer programs; computer software design; computer systems analysis, computer programming, computer software design, conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media, maintenance of computer software; consultancy in the field of computer hardware, consultancy and technical development in the field of the electronic storage of data, in particular documents, maintenance of databases; hosting; technical consultancy with regard to document management; development of archiving systems; updating of computer software; computer programming; computer programming; installation and maintenance of software; installation and maintenance of software for Internet access; configuring computer networks by means of software; conversion of computer programs and data (other than physical alteration); technical project management in the field of electronic data processing; rental of computer software; maintenance of computer software; providing online computer connections; hosting of websites; creating and maintaining web sites; software rental and leasing services

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 19, 2023 Change Representative, Published
May 16, 2018 Extension, Trade mark renewed
July 4, 2014 Change Representative, Published
July 27, 2009 Transfer / Change of address, Registered

ID: 11007375314