EUIPO EUIPO 2008 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark CR-Z was filed as Word mark on 02/14/2008 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/11/2008. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: March 15, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 006670517
Application date February 14, 2008
Publication date June 23, 2008
Entry date December 11, 2008
Expiration date February 14, 2028

Trademark owner

1-1, Minami-Aoyama 2-chome, Minato-Ku,
107-8556 Tokyo

Trademark representatives

Karlstraße 7 80333 München DE

goods and services

12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; Air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; air pumps [vehicle accessories]; anti-glare devices for vehicles; anti-skid chains; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; automobile bodies; automobile chains; automobile chassis; automobile hoods; axle journals; axles for vehicles; balance weights for vehicle wheels; bands for wheel hubs; baskets adapted for cycles; bicycle stands; bicycle stands; boat hooks; boat hooks; bodies for vehicles; bogies for railway cars; brake linings for vehicles; brake segments for vehicles; brake shoes for vehicles; brakes for vehicles; buffers for railway rolling stock; bumpers for automobiles; caps for vehicle petrol [gas] tanks; casings for pneumatic tires [tyres]; casters for trolleys [vehicles [carts (Am)]]; cleats [nautical]; clutches for land vehicles; couplings for land vehicles; covers for vehicle steering wheels; crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines; cranks for cycles; cycle bells; cycle brakes; cycle chains; cycle frames; cycle handle bars; cycle hubs; cycle mudguards; cycle pumps; cycle rims; cycle spokes; cycle stands; davits for boats; disengaging gear for boats; doors for vehicles; dress guards for bicycles, cycles; driving chains for land vehicles; driving motors for land vehicles; fenders for ships; freewheels for land vehicles; funnels for locomotives; funnels for ships; gear boxes for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; gears for cycles; head-rests for vehicle seats; hoods for vehicle engines; horns for vehicles; hub caps; hubs for vehicle wheels; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; inclined ways for boats; inner tubes (adhesive rubber patches for repairing-); inner tubes for bicycles, cycles; luggage carriers for vehicles; luggage nets for vehicles; masts for boats; mine cart wheels; motors for cycles; motors for land vehicles; motors, electric, for land vehicles; mudguards; oars; paddles for canoes; panniers adapted for cycles; pedals for cycles; portholes; propulsion mechanisms for· land vehicles; pushchair covers; pushchair hoods; railway couplings; rearview mirrors; reduction gears for land vehicles; repair outfits for inner tubes; reversing alarms for vehicles; rowlocks; rudders; saddle covers for bicycles or motorcycles; saddles for bicycles, cycles or motorcycles; safety belts for vehicle seats; screw-propellers; screw-propellers for boats; screws [propellers] for ships; sculls; seat covers for vehicles; ships' hulls; ships' steering gears; shock absorbers for automobiles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; ski carriers for cars; sleeping berths for vehicles; spars for ships; steering wheels for vehicles; studs for tires [tyres]; sun-blinds adapted for automobiles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; tailboard lifts [parts of land vehicles]; timbers [frames] for ships; tires (flanges of railway wheel-); tires for vehicle wheels; torque converters for land vehicles; torsion bars for vehicles; traction engines; trailer hitches for vehicles; transmission chains for land vehicles; transmission shafts for land vehicles; transmissions for land vehicles; treads for retreading tires [tyres]; treads for vehicles [roller belts]; tubeless tires [tyres] for bicycles, cycles; turbines for land vehicles; turn signals for vehicles; undercarriages for vehicles; upholstery for vehicles; valves for vehicle tires [tyres]; vehicle bumpers; vehicle chassis; vehicle covers [shaped]; vehicle running boards; vehicle seats; vehicle suspension springs; vehicle wheel rims; vehicle wheel spokes; vehicle wheel tires [tyres]; vehicle wheels; wheels for bicycles, cycles; windows for vehicles; windscreen wipers; windscreens; automobile tires [tyres]; tipping bodies for lorries [trucks]; cycle saddles; direction indicators for bicycles, cycles, etc; ejector seats for aircraft; inner tubes for pneumatic tires [tyres]; jet engines for land vehicles; tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons; safety seats for children, for vehicles; security harness for vehicle seats; spoke clips for wheels; tires for bicycles, cycles; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; connecting rods for land vehicles, other than parts of motors and engines

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 26, 2023 Change Representative, Published
February 15, 2019 Transfer / Change of address, Published
December 4, 2017 Extension, Trade mark renewed
November 7, 2017 RAW: Trade mark - Declaration under Art.28(8) EUTMR, Published
November 18, 2013 Change Representative, Published
November 5, 2013 Change Representative, Published
February 25, 2010 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11006670517