EUIPO EUIPO 2007 Registration expired

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The Union trademark ERGANIC was filed as Word mark on 07/24/2007 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/18/2008. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 006130439
Application date July 24, 2007
Publication date February 4, 2008
Entry date August 18, 2008
Expiration date July 24, 2017

Trademark owner

2nd Floor, 16-18 Hatton Garden Farringdon
EC1N 8AT London

Trademark representatives

15 Clare Road HX1 2HY Halifax, GB

goods and services

5 Nutritional supplements for human consumption; nutritional supplements in the form of bars, gels, beverages and preparations for making beverages; vitamin and mineral supplements; vitamin and mineral supplements in the form of bars, gels, beverages and preparations for making beverages; nutritional supplements for human consumption in the form of bars, gels, beverages and preparations for making beverages
29 Proteinaceous foodstuffs; proteinaceous preparations for human consumption; proteinaceous preparations in the form of bars, gels, beverages and preparations for making beverages; food bars; proteinaceous food bars; food products for use during exercise; proteinaceous food products for use during exercise; food bars for use during exercise; food bars for athletes; energy bars; proteinaceous energy bars; fruit and cereal bars; snack bars; proteinaceous snack bars; preserved, dried and cooked fruits; jellies
30 Food bars; fortified food bars; food products for use during exercise; food bars for use during exercise; food bars for athletes; energy bars; fortified energy bars; fruit and cereal bars; fortified fruit and cereal bars; snack bars; fortified snack bars; confectionery bars; fortified confectionery bars; carbohydrate preparations for human consumption for nutritional use; maltodextrins for human consumption for nutritional use; preparations made from cereals; confectionery bars; proteinaceous confectionary bars
32 Non alcoholic beverages; preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages; beverages containing nutritional supplements and preparations for making the same; sports drinks and preparations for making the same; energy drinks and preparations for making the same; drinks for use during exercise and preparations for making the same; drinks for athletes and preparations for making the same; recovery drinks and preparations for making the same; carbohydrate beverages and preparations for making the same; maltodextrins for preparing beverages and beverages containing maltodextrins; beverages and beverage preparations containing carbohydrate; non alcoholic beverage concentrate; energy drink concentrate; energy drink concentrate with fruit extracts; preparations for making beverages; syrups for making beverages; syrups for making sports drinks, energy drinks, recovery drinks and drinks containing nutritional supplements; powders for making beverages; powders for making sports drinks, energy drinks, recovery drinks and drinks containing nutritional supplements; preparations for making proteinaceous beverages; preparations for making nutritional beverages

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 24, 2018 Extension, Trade mark expired
March 29, 2016 Change Representative, Published
March 18, 2016 Change Representative, Published
January 21, 2015 Transfer / Change of address, Published
January 15, 2015 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11006130439