Electric and electronic apparatus and equipment constructed therefrom, namely for use in the transmission of messages, data and images, computer technology and/or control engineering; apparatus for recording and reproduction of data, sound and/or images, in particular video apparatus, monitors, video recorders; cameras, including cameras for moving images and individual images, including video cameras, electronic cameras, digital cameras, cinematographic cameras or photographic cameras; alarm apparatus and systems for the protection of objects, in particular for buildings and vehicles; electric monitoring apparatus for the protection of objects, including video recording apparatus, image processing and/or image identification and/or image analysis apparatus, video cameras, and systems consisting of such apparatus and parts for the aforesaid apparatus; electric and electronic locking systems for buildings; computers, PCs, printers, scanners, screens, hard discs, drives for data carriers, including CD-ROM drives, CD printers, floppy disc drives, keyboards, mice, computer cards, in particular graphics cards, interface cards, memory cards, modems; computer software, in particular computer programs stored on data carriers, including for alarm and monitoring apparatus and installations, software tools, data communications software for electronic data exchange, in particular between computers, computer systems and interfaces, including on the Internet and/or an intranet
Instruction, in particular distance learning and information events and the conducting of workshops, in particular in the field of monitoring and security technology; human resources development by basic and advanced training
Computer programming, including the creating, maintenance and updating of computer programs, in particular for alarm, locking and monitoring systems, for buildings and vehicles; providing computer programs on data networks; electronic data processing consultancy, including hardware and software consultancy; installation of computer programs; configuring computer networks by means of software; implementation of computer programs on networks, computer animation; data conversion of computer programs and data; licensing of software; editing of Internet sites (support services)