Integrated circuits; semiconductors; communication and computer hardware, in particular, network and signal processors, electronic switches, decoders, data buses, processor buses, switch fabric, transmitters; computer hardware for information storage, in particular, disk drive controllers, digital signal processors, read channels, preamplifiers, motor controllers; computer hardware and software development tools; PC card radios; computer network adapters; electronic communications networking components, in particular, mappers, framers, computer switches; network communication drivers, network processors; line drivers; clock circuits; computer software for use in the management of wireless communication systems; multiplexers; communications equipment, in particular, modems, signal converters, mappers, PCI adapters, digital signal processors; voice coders; decoders; wireless access transmitters; amplifiers; receivers; transceivers; local area networks; computer software drivers, in particular, network communication drivers, computer device drivers, protocol stack software; computer hardware drivers; satellite digital radio transceivers and satellite digital radio receivers; mobile phone baseband integrated circuits; input/output devices; controllers; networking baseband chips, media access controllers and physical layer devices; network attach storage devices; storage attached networking devices; power management devices; local area network physical layer devices and switches; parts of the before-mentioned goods and fittings thereof
Technical consultation in the field of integrated circuits and semiconductor technology, reference designs for semiconductors, and computer software for use in consumer electronics, computer systems, data storage systems, and telecommunications network applications