Reception equipment and apparatus for radio and television, machines and apparatus for electric and electronic communication; television reception equipment with monitor, dubbing apparatus with video and audio tape; video cameras, vidicon; video and audio recorders and players, video systems consisting of recorder and/of transmission equipment for magnetic tapes and magnetic carriers for this equipment, video screens sold separately or as a unit; electric gramophones, dictating machines, apparatus for public address, intercom systems, broadcasting and receiving equipment; amplifiers, tuners; loudspeakers, loudspeaker systems, aerials, microphones, mixer panels for microphones, gramophone motors and motors for audio and video recorders and players, reproduction equipment, switches, resistors, transformers, jump switches, fuses, transistors, plugs, remote control devices, cables, relays, styluses; batteries, battery sets, adaptors for battery chargers, adaptors for alternating current, earphones, headphones, cassette boxes, magnetic heads, magnetic head cleaners (or cleaning equipment), telephone buzzers, connection cables, adapters for plugs, anti-dust covers and anti-dust protectors, printed circuit boards, supports for mounting in cars, connectors for outside aerials, empty reels for magnetic tapes, external alternating current feeders; blank and pre-recorded video tapes and audio tapes; video and audio cassettes; gramophone records, cassette tape recording and reproduction equipment, radios and headphones