EUIPO EUIPO 2006 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark NIFLOCK was filed as Word mark on 01/25/2006 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 07/11/2007. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 004857041
Application date January 25, 2006
Publication date January 8, 2007
Entry date July 11, 2007
Expiration date January 25, 2026

Trademark owner

184-1 Maioka-cho, Totsuka-ku Yokohama-shi
244-8522 Kanagawa-ken

Trademark representatives

Arabellastr. 30 81925 München DE

goods and services

18 Bags with buckles, bags with cord adjusters, bags with tape adjusters, knapsacks with buckles, knapsacks with cord adjusters, plastic handles for bags and cases, plastic handles for suitcases, stick handles, leather shoulder belts, animal collars, briefcases, wheeled shopping bags with buckles, dog collars with buckles, bags (envelopes, pouches) of leather for packaging with buckles, card cases (notecases) with buckles, bands of leather with buckles, leather shoulder belts with buckles, briefcases with buckles, handbags with buckles
26 Bag buckles, portfolio buckles, tape adjusters for bags, dress fastenings, snap fasteners, belt clasps, fastenings for suspenders, slide fasteners, slide fastener knobs, buckles (clothing accessories), shoe buckles, spring hooks, clip buckles, buttons, tape adjusters, cord locks, cord adjusters, rotary spring hooks, cord end buckles, belt buckles, belt adjusters for bags, tape buckles, loops, snap hooks, hooks, eyelets for clothing, shoe eyelets, fastenings for hat straps, shoulder pads for clothing, shoestring adjusters, buckles for wheeled shopping bags, buckles for sling bags for carrying infants, buckles for sports bags (bags for climbers, bags for campers, golf bags, ski bags, shoe bags, surfbags), buckles for tool bags, buckles for animal collars, buckles for bags (envelopes, pouches) of leather for packaging, buckles for card cases (notecases), buckles for bands of leather, buckles for leather shoulder belts, buckles for briefcases, buckles for handbag frames, buckles for travelling bags; buckles for bags and cases, hooks for bags and cases, tape adjusters for bags and cord adjusters for bags

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 2, 2015 Extension, Trade mark renewed
October 8, 2014 Change Representative, Published
January 9, 2009 Transfer / Change of address, Registered
October 19, 2007 Transfer / Change of address, Registered

ID: 11004857041