EUIPO EUIPO 2004 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 01/27/2004 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/13/2005. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Two circles one inside the other #Circles containing one or more quadrilaterals (specify the content) #Circles with dark surfaces or parts of surfaces #Rhombs or squares standing on one of the corners thereof

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 003583549
Application date January 27, 2004
Publication date November 15, 2004
Entry date April 13, 2005
Expiration date January 27, 2034

Trademark owner

Nürnberger Str. 2
90546 Stein

Trademark representatives

Möhlstr. 2 81675 München DE

goods and services

16 Stationery, drawing and painting goods and apparatus; in particular pencils, pencil extenders, coloured pencils, propelling pencils, pencil-lead refills, coloured pencil-lead refills, mechanical pencils, mechanical coloured pencils, erasers, sharpeners, ballpoint pens, multifunctional devices namely writing instruments with various refills, rollerball pens, gel rollerball pens, fine rollerball pens, marker pens, whiteboard markers, universal markers, marking chalks, paint markers, eraser pencils, transparency markers, watercolour pencils, chalks, fibre-tip pens, pastel pencils, drawing charcoal, pressed charcoal, drawing ink pens, artists' pencils, clutch pencils, graphite pencils, graphite crayons, paper wipers, erasing knives, sandpaper blocks, dusting brushes, ballpoint pens, drawing boards, technical-drawing pens, technical fineliners, compasses, rulers, set squares, drawing templates, stencil plates, drawing ink, fountain pens, T-shirt markers, permanent markers, pencil pots, writing-instrument cases, trays for writing instruments, pencil cases, books, printed matter

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 19, 2023 Extension, Trade mark renewed
January 13, 2023 Change Representative, Published
October 16, 2017 Change Representative, Published
January 29, 2014 Extension, Trade mark renewed
February 11, 2009 Transfer / Change of address, Registered

ID: 11003583549