EUIPO EUIPO 2003 Registration expired

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The Union trademark was filed as 3D mark on 07/22/2003 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 06/06/2007. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Other lighting apparatus, spots #Other geometrical figures, indefinable designs #3D shape

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form 3D mark
File reference 003283207
Application date July 22, 2003
Publication date January 22, 2007
Entry date June 6, 2007
Expiration date July 22, 2013

Trademark owner

Im Heerfeld 7
35713 Eschenburg

Trademark representatives

Bockenheimer Landstraße 25 60325 Frankfurt am Main DE

goods and services

5 Materials for dental and/or dental technology purposes, in particular material for stopping teeth, dental mastic, dental lacquers, dental wax, modelling material, crown and bridge material, blending materials, materials for bite recording and/or checking, and materials for manufacturing dental moulds
7 Apparatus for mixing two or more liquid, solid, paste, gel-type or viscous components, in particular powered (dynamic) or non-powered (static) mixers for two components of the same or different volume, for manufacturing materials for dental and/or dental technology purposes, in particular material for stopping teeth, dental mastic, dental lacquers, dental wax, modelling material, crown and bridge material, blending materials, materials for bite recording and/or checking, and materials for manufacturing dental moulds
10 Surgical, medical, veterinary and in particular dental or dental technology equipment, instruments and apparatus, in particular for holding, storing, mixing and/or dosing materials for dental and/or dental technology purposes, in particular material for stopping teeth, dental mastic, dental lacquers, dental wax, modelling material, crown and bridge material, blending materials, materials for bite recording and/or checking, and materials for manufacturing dental moulds; splint dentures and splints for dental treatment and care; plastics for prostheses, namely dental prostheses

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 12, 2014 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11003283207