Scientific apparatus and instruments, scientific equipment; data processing equipment, computers, computing apparatus and instruments, computer hardware, portable or hand-held computers or computing apparatus, computing networks, wireless communications networks, wireless wide area networks; apparatus for data collection, electronic data collection apparatus, portable electronic apparatus for the collection of data, word processors; hardware, apparatus, equipment and instruments for one or more of the input, collection, processing, storage, transmission, and output of data; computer software; printers for use with computers, computer hardware or electronic hardware; apparatus for the reproduction of sound and/or images, visual display units; telecommunications apparatus, instruments, equipment or hardware, wireless apparatus or equipment, RF or high frequency wireless equipment, radio frequency identification equipment, RF identification tags, RF identification readers; barcode equipment, barcode hardware, barcode readers, barcode decoders, barcode labels, barcode printing apparatus, barcode terminals; the afore-mentioned goods provided second-hand, or in a repaired or refurbished condition; parts, fittings or accessories for the afore-mentioned goods
Brokerage services in the nature of buying and reselling of electronic, computer, telecommunication, wireless, radio frequency identification, office, medical, audio-visual, data input, data collection, data processing, data storage, data output, printing, or bar-code apparatus or equipment, or of parts and fittings therefor; assisting third parties in the purchase, selling, renting or leasing of electronic, computer, telecommunication, wireless, radio frequency identification, office, medical, audio-visual, data input, data collection, data processing, data storage, data output, printing, or bar-code apparatus or equipment, or of parts and fittings therefor; wholesale and retail services in respect of any of the aforesaid goods; leasing or rental of electronic, computer, wireless, radio frequency identification, office, audio-visual, data input, data collection, data processing, data storage, data output, printing, or bar-code apparatus or equipment, or of parts and fittings therefor; provision of information relating to any of the afore-mentioned services
Repair, servicing, maintenance, or refurbishment services; repair, servicing, maintenance, or refurbishment of electronic, telecommunication, computer, telecommunication, wireless, radio frequency identification, office, medical, audio-visual, data input, data collection, data processing, data storage, data output, printing, or bar-code apparatus or equipment, or of parts and fittings therefor; installation of electronic, telecommunication, computer, telecommunication, wireless, radio frequency identification, office, medical, audio-visual, data input, data collection, data processing, data storage, data output, printing, or bar-code apparatus or equipment; installation of computer hardware or network equipment; provision of information relating to any of the afore-mentioned services
Scientific and technological services; leasing of computer equipment, computer apparatus, computer hardware, scientific instruments, leasing of equipment for electronic data processing, leasing of data processing systems; computer programming; technical consultancy services relating to data collection and barcode systems, consultancy services in the fields of computing, computer network, mobile computing, and data collection services; computer or information technology project management services; installation of computer software; technical support services relating to data collection and barcode systems; provision of information relating to any of the afore-mentioned services