EUIPO EUIPO 2002 Application withdrawn

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The Union trademark KALUCAD was filed as Word mark on 09/09/2002 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application withdrawn".

Trademark Details Last update: July 6, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 002842151
Application date September 9, 2002
Publication date February 14, 2017

Trademark owner

201 Isabella Street
15212-5858 Pittsburgh

Trademark representatives

Temple Chambers, 3-7 Temple Avenue EC4Y 0DA London GB

goods and services

9 Computer software in the fields of building construction specifications and building materials
42 Computer programming, software development, and software updating services

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 14, 2017 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11002842151