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Die Unionsmarke SOLUTIONS THAT WORK wurde als Wortmarke am 28.12.2001 beim Amt der Europäischen Union für Geistiges Eigentum angemeldet. Der aktuelle Status der Marke ist "Anmeldung zurückgewiesen".

Markendetails Letztes Update: 09. Februar 2024

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 002519643
Anmeldedatum 28. Dezember 2001
Veröffentlichungsdatum 20. August 2007


6900 Squibb Road, Suite 300 Post Office Box 2768
66201-2768 Mission,


Chapel Quarter Mount Street NG1 6HQ Nottingham GB

Waren und Dienstleistungen

9 Pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, and compact discs containing educational programs directed to teaching individuals how to use computers, namely, how to use existing computer programming languages in various types of applications and how to install, use and maintain the general purpose hardware and software products of others for use in document management, network routing and/or global computer information network access applications
16 Printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials directed to teaching individuals how to use computers, namely, how to use existing computer programming languages in various types of applications and how to install, use, and maintain the general purpose hardware and software products of others for use in document management, operating systems, network management, network routing and/or global computer information network access applications
41 Educational services in the nature of conducting seminars and workshops on how to use computers, namely, how to use existing computer programming languages in various types of applications and how to install and maintain the general purpose hardware and software products of others for use in document management, operating systems, network management, network routing and/or global computer information network access applications, and the distribution of course materials therewith
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Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
28. Januar 2008 Änderung Vertreter, Published
20. August 2007 Änderung Vertreter, Published
06. Februar 2002 Übertragung / Adressänderung, Registered

ID: 11002519643