EUIPO EUIPO 2000 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark MORGAN ONLINE was filed as Word mark on 06/12/2000 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/20/2001. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: January 31, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 001701861
Application date June 12, 2000
Publication date February 19, 2001
Entry date September 20, 2001
Expiration date June 12, 2030

Trademark owner

1111 Polaris Parkway
43240 Columbus,

Trademark representatives

5, boulevard de la Madeleine 75001 Paris FR

goods and services

36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; banking investment and credit services; deposit taking; securities and underwriting; financial clearing services; fiduciary services; arranging of finance and loans; services relating to dealings in securities and commodities; precious metals brokerage; administration of estates and trusts; provision of finance; raising of finance; finance leasing; pension services; taxation services; financial advisory services; financial appraisals; financial asset management; financial brokerage; financial credit services; financial economic advisory services; financial economic analysis; financial evaluations in respect of insurance, banking and real estate; financial exchange services; fund management services; financial guarantee services; provision of financial information; financial intermediary services; financial investment fund services; financial lending; financial loss management; financial management services; financial management of funds and stocks; financial market information services; financial nominee services; financial planning services; financial portfolio management; financial research; financial strategy consultancy services; financial trust management; financial valuation services; financing of acquisitions; financing services; investing of funds; investment advice; investment asset management; investment banking; investment brokerage; investment business services; investment fund management; monetary transfer services; monetary exchange services; monetary transaction services; money brokerage; money order services; money transfer services; currency exchange; Internet banking; home banking; advisory, information and consultancy services in respect of all the aforesaid; provision of all of the aforesaid services online from a computer database or the Internet
38 Telecommunications; telecommunications services for interfacing purposes and for transmitting data and information to and from computers; providing access to the Internet; providing connections to the Internet and to other Internet services and other web-sites; telecommunications gateway services; electronic communications services

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 25, 2020 Change Representative, Published
June 2, 2020 Extension, Trade mark renewed
May 28, 2020 Change Representative, Published
November 24, 2016 Change Representative, Published
September 14, 2016 Transfer / Change of address, Published
September 2, 2016 Transfer / Change of address, Published
March 16, 2016 Change Representative, Published
June 13, 2014 Change Representative, Registered
October 8, 2012 Change Representative, Published
September 27, 2010 Change Representative, Published
June 16, 2010 Extension, Trade mark renewed
January 7, 2010 Transfer / Change of address, Registered
September 24, 2007 Change Representative, Published
December 4, 2006 Transfer / Change of address, Published
September 17, 2001 Change Representative, Registered

ID: 11001701861