Teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission and/or reproduction of sound and/or images; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; calculating machines; data processing equipment and apparatus; computers; digital computers; computer hardware; computer software; operating software, application software and utility software; operating software, application software and utility software, and instruction manuals, sold as a unit; computer peripherals; computer peripheral devices; computer programs; operating software; data storage apparatus and equipment; data storage units; data storage units for use with computers; monitors; keyboards; printers; scanners; mouses; processors; co-processors; modems; hard and floppy disk drives; tape drives; CD-ROM drives; DVD-drives; network hubs; network routers; interface cards; cards and memory add-ons; memory boards and chips; switches, transceivers and converters; power protection devices; LCD projectors; video projectors; memory boards; memory chips; sound boards; sound chips; speakers, loudspeakers, sub-woofers, headsets, microphones, all for use with computers; cables and connectors; media for computers; floppy disks, hard drives, CD-ROM disks, and fibre channel disk devices for computers; instructional manuals in electronic format; digital cameras; personal digital assistants; personal organisers; anti-theft apparatus; anti-theft warning apparatus; electronic alarm systems and apparatus; alarm bells; alarm stations and alarm centres; security apparatus, installations and equipment; electronic apparatus and installations for access protection and control; access protection equipment and apparatus; monitoring (supervision) apparatus and equipment; parts, fittings and components for all the aforesaid goods
Installation services; repair services; installation, maintenance, servicing and repair of computer hardware, computer peripherals, computer systems, data processing apparatus and equipment, information technology apparatus and equipment, alarms, anti-theft apparatus, anti-theft warning apparatus, electronic alarm systems and apparatus, alarm bells, alarm stations, alarm centres, security apparatus, installations and equipment, electronic apparatus and installations for access protection and control, access protection equipment and apparatus, and monitoring (supervision) apparatus and equipment; factory installation of computer operation system software and of application computer software; technical service and support for computers, computer hardware, computer peripherals, computer systems, and data processing apparatus and equipment; information relating to all the aforesaid services
Custom manufacture for others of computers, computer hardware, computer peripherals, data processing apparatus and equipment, and information technology apparatus and equipment; information services relating to all the aforesaid services