EUIPO EUIPO 1999 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark PMA was filed as Word mark on 10/12/1999 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/05/2001. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 001341031
Application date October 12, 1999
Publication date October 9, 2000
Entry date April 5, 2001
Expiration date October 12, 2029

Trademark owner

Affolternstrasse 44
8050 Zürich

Trademark representatives

Thurn-und-Taxis-Platz 6 60313 Frankfurt am Main DE

goods and services

6 Pipes and corrugated pipes for protecting electric cables; cable, pipe and tube connections and screw fittings; clamps of metal; connection fittings of metal, for pipes, tubes or corrugated pipes protecting electric cables; conduit connectors of metal; junction pieces of metal; connection angles or connection elbows of metal, for pipes, tubes or corrugated pipes protecting electric cables; sockets of metal
9 Electric installation material, namely pipes, tubes or corrugated pipes; plugs, reducing pieces and extensions for electricity conduits, bridge plugs for electric machines, for apparatus and/or for switch cupboards
17 Seals for pipes, tubes and corrugated pipes; connection fittings, not of metal, for pipes, tubes or corrugated pipes protecting electric cables; conduit connectors of plastic; junction pieces of plastic; connection angles or connection elbows, not of metal, for pipes, tubes or corrugated pipes protecting electric cables; sockets of plastic

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 29, 2019 Extension, Trade mark renewed
February 8, 2017 Transfer / Change of address, Published
September 4, 2015 Change Representative, Published
July 3, 2014 Change Representative, Published
August 20, 2013 Change Representative, Published
July 30, 2013 Transfer / Change of address, Published
November 8, 2009 Extension, Trade mark renewed

ID: 11001341031