Cathode ray tubes, CRT, CRT colours, coils, run time delay lines, x-ray tubes, light diodes, encoders, electronic tubes, chips, machine-specific masks, photographic masks, network cards, circuit boards, semiconductors, interface boards, microcircuits, integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, copper-coated, compression-moulded boards for circuit boards, IC plug-ins, sound effects cards, graphics cards, modem cards, change-over switches, wall plugs, sockets and mounts, connecting pins, electrodes, resistors, condensers, compactors, repeating coils, voltage stabilisers, rectifiers, relays, printed circuit modules for distributors, terminal connectors, thermal electric tubes, thermal electric anodes, safety switches, stabilisers, sensors, electric couplings, switchable attenuators, earthing strips, short circuit elements, wiring boxes, disconnecters, distribution boxes, junction boxes, switchboxes, chokes, fuse holders, switchboards, electric bells, magnets, bus slots, electromagnetic pipe coils, crystal discs (wafers), power supply protectors, apparatus for removing static electricity, static electricity generators, temperature regulators, temperature control apparatus, heat sinks, voltage regulators, circuit control apparatus, connector boxes for telephone lines, dc voltage converters, computer-aided numerical machine tool controls for automatic lathes, magnetisers, demagnetisers, magnetic exciters, motor controls, light deflectors, rechargers, buzzers, timers, air-flow doors, ozonizers, laser pointers, keyboards, card-reading apparatus, readers, printers, disc drives, memories, microcomputers, motherboards, mice, data storage devices, scanners, central processing units, computer graphics machines, printer memories, tactile scanning input apparatus for computers, games cassettes, hard disc cleaners, magnetic identification cards, credit cards, telephone cards, cash cards, fiscards, dust-proof sleeves, floppy disc dispensers, dust-proof frames for keyboards, telephone sets, telex machines, answering machines, fax machines, house telephones, electronic exchanges, teleprinters, sound-signalling or wireless call indicators, radars, aerials, hard disc aerials, release apparatus, spreaders, adapters, feeders, multiplexers, oscillators, transistors, displays, frequency converters, equalisers, attenuators, vacuum tubes, automatic amplifiers, wave analysis circuits, filters, mixers, frequency dividers, power waves, main files, sound distributors, aerial holders, pulse generators, modems, signal emitters, signal receivers, signal converters, power amplifiers, signal cable carriers, satellite-supported navigators, digital-analog converters, analog-digital converters; other than computer programs and software, recorded on tapes, cards, floppy discs or electric or electronic apparatus
Packing of ICs, crystal discs (wafers) and semiconductors, assembly of circuit boards, assembly of crystal discs (wafers)
Quality and reliability testing for crystal discs (wafers), chips, semiconductors, ICs and circuit boards, design of ICs