EUIPO EUIPO 1997 Application refused

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The Union trademark FLIP PHONE was filed as Word mark on 10/27/1997 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application refused".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 000664847
Application date October 27, 1997
Publication date June 11, 2007

Trademark owner

222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1800
60654 Chicago,

Trademark representatives

Möhlstr. 2 81675 München DE

goods and services

9 Electrical and electronic apparatus and instruments, particularly radio communication apparatus and instruments, including analog and digital radio transceivers for data and voice communication in cellular communication networks; batteries for the aforesaid radio communication apparatus and instruments; car-kits for the adaption of portable communication apparatus and instruments to vehicular use; antennas; battery chargers; data transmission cards, including PCM CIA cards; programming interfaces; control units for peripheral devices; input/output devices for the above mentioned electrical and electronic apparatus, including loudspeakers, microphones, headsets and visual display devices; belt-clips and cases for the above referenced goods; handsets and housings for the above referenced goods; parts and fittings for all of the above, all included in class 09

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 10, 2011 Transfer / Change of address, Published
April 21, 2008 Transfer / Change of address, Published
January 21, 2008 Transfer / Change of address, Published
August 20, 2007 Change Representative, Published
July 30, 2007 Transfer / Change of address, Published
November 24, 2006 Transfer / Change of address, Published
May 8, 2006 RAW: Representative - Deletion of the representative, Published

ID: 11000664847