EUIPO EUIPO 1997 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark BWT was filed as Word mark on 10/14/1997 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/06/1999. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 000650481
Application date October 14, 1997
Publication date August 31, 1998
Entry date April 6, 1999
Expiration date October 14, 2027

Trademark owner

Walter-Simmer-Str. 4
5310 Mondsee

Trademark representatives

Riemergasse 14 1010 Wien AT

goods and services

1 Chemicals used in industry; chemicals for treating, clarifying, softening, demineralising, purifying, deacidifying, dechlorinating and disinfecting water
5 Preparations for destroying weeds and bacteria
6 Swimming and bathing pools of metal; water-pipes of metal; water pipe valves of metal; component parts for all the aforesaid goods (not included in other classes)
7 Equipment for swimming pools, namely circulation pump installations, valves (parts of machines); component parts for all the aforesaid goods
9 Physical and chemical apparatus for filtering and dosage measuring of solid, paste, liquid and gaseous materials; control, checking and analysing apparatus; water meters; surface cleaning apparatus, level regulators, floor cleaning apparatus for swimming and bathing pools; component parts for all the aforesaid goods (not included in other classes)
11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, bath installations, bath tubs; fittings for water pipes; swimming installations with adjustable current flow; installations and apparatus for treating, clarifying, softening, demineralising, purifying, deacidifying, dechlorinating and disinfecting water; component parts for all the aforesaid goods (not included in other classes)
19 Swimming and bathing pools of plastic; water pipes of plastic; component parts for all the aforesaid goods (not included in other classes)

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 4, 2023 Change Representative, Published
July 23, 2021 Change Representative, Published
April 28, 2021 Transfer / Change of address, Published
July 13, 2017 Extension, Trade mark renewed
March 11, 2014 Change Representative, Published
April 9, 2013 RAW: Representative - Deletion of the representative, Published
December 2, 2008 Change Representative, Published
November 12, 2007 Extension, Trade mark renewed

ID: 11000650481