Academia McK

EUIPO EUIPO 1997 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Academia McK was filed as Figurative mark on 06/18/1997 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/30/1999. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Targets #Quadrilaterals with lines #Letters repeated by mirror effect or symmetrically in any position

Trademark Details Last update: June 7, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 000559369
Application date June 18, 1997
Publication date August 24, 1998
Entry date March 30, 1999
Expiration date June 18, 2027

Trademark owner

711 Third Ave
10017 New York

Trademark representatives

Rüttenscheider Str. 62 45130 Essen DE

goods and services

9 Computer programs, in particular in the field of business consultancy and finance; machine-readable data carriers of all types, in particular in the field of business consultancy and finance
16 Instruction manuals and handbooks for computer software and computer hardware, printed matter, charts (tables), graphic representations, all the aforesaid publications in particular in the field of management, business consultancy and finance
35 Business consultancy, including organisation consultancy, professional business consultancy, personnel consultancy; computer and software consultancy, and the development of computer software and hardware in the field of business consultancy; marketing research; marketing studies and marketing analysis
36 Financial consultancy, management in the field of financial affairs and assessment of tax affairs; computer and software consultancy, and the development of computer software and hardware in the field of finance
41 Education, providing of training, in particular at academies; correspondence courses; arranging and conducting of seminars, workshops and conferences in the field of management and management consultancy

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 1, 2021 Transfer / Change of address, Published
February 3, 2021 Transfer / Change of address, Published
June 20, 2017 Extension, Trade mark renewed
April 2, 2014 Change Representative, Published
January 29, 2013 Change Representative, Published
June 18, 2010 Transfer / Change of address, Published
July 9, 2007 Extension, Trade mark renewed
November 15, 2001 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11000559369