Electronic databases, in particular relational databases, text databases, image databases and combined text/image databases; databases stored on electronically readable data carriers; combined text/image databases for replacement parts data, database programs for writing databases, database processing and retrieval; programs for writing digital image data and for retrieving different views of images and cutouts of the objects described by the image data, image optimisation programs all devoted to provide information management in the field of replacement parts to replacement parts supplying industry
Computer centres; writing and running databases, in particular central, relational databases; running a combined text/image database; writing decentralized databases, updating decentralized databases, including by writing delta updates; writing central and decentralized databases, which link alphanumeric data in various languages with image data, in particular explosion drawings; writing databases for replacement parts-master data; running post-editing user programs so that predetermined information suppliers can store their data in a central database; writing digital image data, from which different views of images and cutouts of the objects described by the image data can be retrieved; running an online interface so that users of a database can consult the data records of the database directly via an online connection; running an interface for output of selected data sets on electronically readable data carriers, like CD-ROMs, disks or for output on laser print, microfilm or in block systems, for example block systems for art printing; writing of layout programs for output on random information carriers, like paper, microfilm or electronically readable data carriers; running a translation program, in particular for translating technical terms; application of above services and programs for running a central post-editing system, in particular for writing documentation, including for example catalogues, in particular combined image/text documentation, wherein all these services related exclusively to the replacement parts industry, for example the vehicle industry, engineering and electrical engineering industry