DPMA DPMA 1979 Trademark registered

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The German trademark 1014057 was filed as Figurative mark on 04/02/1979 at the German Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/12/1981. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Circles containing one or more other geometrical figures (specify the content) #Circles containing representations of animals, parts of animals' bodies or plants

Trademark Details Last update: December 14, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference V16492
Register number 1014057
Application date April 2, 1979
Publication date March 14, 1981
Entry date February 12, 1981
Start of opposition period March 14, 1981
End of the opposition period June 15, 1981
Expiration date April 30, 2029

Trademark owner

37079 Göttingen

Trademark representatives

goods and services

41 44 45
Durchführung und Veranstaltung von Vorträgen und Seminaren, Herausgabe von Broschüren, Betreuung und Unterstützung hilfsbedürftiger Menschen sowie Durchführung von Gesundheitsmaßnahmen durch beauftragte Ärzte
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 9, 2019 201800136952 4 Extension, Verlaengert
March 4, 2014 201400083495 8b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
June 14, 2010 201000423339 8b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
June 9, 2009 200900205243 3b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
October 15, 2008 200800147882 4 Extension, Verlaengert
October 14, 2008 200800746362 RAW: Umklassifizierung, Umklassifiziert
September 22, 2008 200800701220 8b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
November 3, 1999 199901934543 Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
June 3, 1999 199901838003 Extension, Verlaengert
February 12, 1981 198100396750 Registration, Marke eingetragen
February 12, 1981 198100396828 Opposition period, Marke nicht geloescht

ID: 9999108616492