TSN ready

DPMA DPMA 2017 Trademark registered

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The German trademark TSN ready was filed as Word and figurative mark on 06/29/2017 at the German Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 07/21/2017. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Oblique lines or bands #Horizontal lines or bands #Vertical lines or bands #Thick lines, bands #Thin lines #More than two lines or two bands #One circle #Circles with dark surfaces or parts of surfaces #Series of letters separated from one another other than by a single space #Series of letters in different dimensions #Series of letters presenting different forms of writing #Blue #Segments or sectors of circles or ellipses, semi-circles or semi-ellipses containing one or more geometrical figures

Trademark Details Last update: December 14, 2023

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 3020171064911
Register number 302017106491
International trademark No. IR1391244, December 2, 2024
Application date June 29, 2017
Publication date August 25, 2017
Entry date July 21, 2017
Start of opposition period August 25, 2017
End of the opposition period November 27, 2017
Expiration date June 30, 2027

Trademark owner

72654 Neckartenzlingen

Trademark representatives

40476 Düsseldorf DE

goods and services

9 Netzwerkkontrollgeräte; Steuergeräte für das Netzwerkmanagement; Computersoftware für kabelgebundene oder kabellose Netzwerkkommunikation; Basisstationen für lokale Netzwerke [LAN oder WLAN]; drahtlose Router; Router für Netzwerke; Kommunikations-Hubs; Signalübertragungsgeräte; Ethernet-Hardware
42 Überwachung von Netzwerksystemen; Entwicklung von computergestützten Netzwerken
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 25, 2023 202300010681 8d Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
December 26, 2017 201700234435 2a Opposition period, Marke ohne Widerspruch eingetragen
July 21, 2017 201700205660 1aaa Registration, Marke eingetragen

ID: 103020171064911