302013006796 Logo (DPMA, 09/30/2013)
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The German trademark 302013006796 was filed as Figurative mark on 09/30/2013 at the German Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/11/2013.
The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".
#Huts, cabins #Direction indicator boards or posts, business name plates, name and number plates of streets #Grasslands, pastures #Trees or bushes in stylized form #Other dwellings or buildings #Pasturelands with mountains around or in the background
Trademark form | Figurative mark |
File reference | 3020130067967 |
Register number | 302013006796 |
Application date | September 30, 2013 |
Publication date | January 10, 2014 |
Entry date | December 11, 2013 |
Start of opposition period | January 10, 2014 |
End of the opposition period | April 10, 2014 |
Expiration date | September 30, 2033 |
Date | Document number | Area | Entry |
September 26, 2023 | 202200322901 | 4 | Extension, Verlaengert |
August 22, 2023 | 202300215310 | 8b | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
January 10, 2019 | 201900006414 | 8a | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
February 1, 2017 | 201700036609 | 8b | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
October 16, 2015 | 201520284313 | 8b | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
June 29, 2015 | 201520127704 | 8b | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
January 13, 2015 | 201500008186 | 8b | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
May 8, 2014 | 201300393307 | 2a | Opposition period, Marke ohne Widerspruch eingetragen |
December 11, 2013 | 201300315446 | 1aaa | Registration, Marke eingetragen |
ID: 103020130067967