Facility Managment Messe und Kongress

DPMA DPMA 2008 File deleted

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The German trademark Facility Managment Messe und Kongress was filed as Word and figurative mark on 12/17/2008 at the German Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/26/2009. The current status of the mark is "File deleted".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Five colours and over #Other combinations of different geometrical figures, juxtaposed, joined or intersecting, combinations of more than two different geometrical figures #Series of letters in different dimensions

Trademark Details Last update: December 14, 2023

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 3020080792655
Register number 302008079265
Application date December 17, 2008
Publication date September 25, 2009
Entry date August 26, 2009
Start of opposition period September 25, 2009
End of the opposition period December 28, 2009
Expiration date December 31, 2018

Trademark owner

78315 Radolfzell

70178 Stuttgart

Trademark representatives

78224 Singen DE

goods and services

35 Organisation und Veranstaltung von Messen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke
41 Organisation und Veranstaltung von Kongressen und Seminaren für kulturelle, sportliche und/oder Unterrichtszwecke; Organisation und Veranstaltung von Kongressen und Seminaren
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 30, 2019 201900273832 5f Deletion, Marke geloescht
January 28, 2010 200900284940 2a Opposition period, Marke ohne Widerspruch eingetragen
August 26, 2009 200900047983 1aaa Registration, Marke eingetragen

ID: 103020080792655