DPMA DPMA 2000 File deleted

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The German trademark ORTHOFIT was filed as Word mark on 02/03/2000 at the German Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/07/2000. The current status of the mark is "File deleted".

Trademark Details Last update: December 13, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 300079427
Register number 30007942
Application date February 3, 2000
Publication date October 12, 2000
Entry date September 7, 2000
Start of opposition period October 12, 2000
End of the opposition period January 12, 2001
Expiration date February 28, 2010

Trademark owner

13359 Berlin

Trademark representatives

85570 Markt Schwaben DE

goods and services

10 17
Orthopädische Artikel, nämlich orthopädische Bandagen, Fußstützen, Fersensohlen, Fersenkissen, Fußgewölbestützen, Zehenstützen, Zehenabspreizer und -ausrichter, Schuheinlagen aus Kork, Leder, Gummi, Metall, Metall-Legierungen, Spinn- und Kunststoffen, Fraktur-Orthesen; Waren aus Kunststoff und Gummi (als Halbfabrikate) in Form von Blöcken, Platten, Folien, Stäben und Rohren für orthopädische Zwecke
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 15, 2003 200302816538 Opposition period, Marke geloescht
February 13, 2002 200290036629 RAW: Berichtigung
July 17, 2001 200102363633 Deletion, Marke teilweise geloescht
September 7, 2000 200002135109 Registration, Marke eingetragen

ID: 10300079427