IGE IGE 2009 Trademark cancelled

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The Swiss trademark BLEIFREI was filed as Word mark on 09/25/2009 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/27/2010. The current status of the mark is "Trademark cancelled".

Trademark Details Last update: April 27, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 60551/2009
Register number 596062
Application date September 25, 2009
Publication date January 27, 2010
Entry date January 27, 2010
Expiration date September 25, 2019

Trademark owner

Steinbuchstrasse 12 7000 Chur CH

Trademark representatives

Via Ariosto 6 6901 Lugano CH

goods and services

18 Cuoio e sue imitazioni, articoli in queste materie compresi in questa classe; pelli d'animali; bauli e valigie; ombrelli, ombrelloni e bastoni da passeggio; fruste e articoli di selleria
25 Articoli d'abbigliamento, scarpe, cappelleria
35 Pubblicità; gestione degli affari commerciali; amministrazione commerciale; lavori di ufficio
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 25, 2020 2020042505 M15 Deletion
December 30, 2016 2016123005 M90 Change Representative
February 11, 2015 2015021105 M90 Change Representative
March 26, 2014 2014032605 M90 Change Representative
January 27, 2010 2010012705 M00 Registration
January 27, 2010 2010012705 M00 Registration

ID: 121202655847