IGE IGE 2010 Trademark registered

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The Swiss trademark OR OUTDOOR RESEARCH was filed as Word and figurative mark on 04/30/2010 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/13/2010. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: March 31, 2020

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 54301/2010
Register number 604956
Application date April 30, 2010
Publication date September 13, 2010
Entry date September 13, 2010
Expiration date April 30, 2030

Trademark owner

2203 First Avenue South 98134-1424 Seattle, Washington US

Trademark representatives

Via Pioda 6 6900 Lugano CH

goods and services

18 Borse per atletica, in particolare zaini sportivi e borse da viaggio
20 Sacchi a pelo; sacchi da bivacco; sacchi a pelo per il campeggio
21 Contenitori termoisolanti per alimenti; utensili e recipienti per la cucina; utensili e recipienti per la cucina da campeggio; set di utensili e recipienti per la cucina portatili; stoviglie; stoviglie da campeggio; set di stoviglie portatili
25 Abbigliamento, in particolare, giacche, giacche con cappuccio, giubbetti impermeabili con e senza cappuccio, cappotti, pullover, felpe, canottiere, gilet, magliette, magliette senza maniche, maglie a maniche corte, maglie a maniche lunghe, mutandine da donna, calzoncini, gonne pantalone, pantaloni a trequarti, collant, tutine aderenti (body), guanti, muffole, sottoguanti, ghette, cappelli, cappucci antivento, berretti, berretti da marinaio, cappelli con la tesa, cappellini da sole, ghette alte, fasce per orecchie, cappucci antifreddo, berretti (cuffie), sottocasco, cappelli felpati, muffole con fodera, pantaloni a salopette, sovrastivali, berretti per bambini
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 30, 2020 2020033005 M05 Extension
May 20, 2014 2014052010 M30 Transfer / Change of address
May 20, 2014 2014052010 M30 Transfer / Change of address
September 13, 2010 2010091305 M00 Registration
September 13, 2010 2010091305 M00 Registration
September 13, 2010 2010091305 M00 Registration

ID: 121202835350