IGE IGE 1973 Trademark registered

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The Swiss trademark FAXE was filed as Word mark on 06/27/1973 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/15/1973. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: May 16, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 03235/1973
Register number 3P-267339
Application date June 27, 1973
Publication date December 21, 1973
Entry date November 15, 1973
Expiration date June 27, 2033

Trademark owner

Faxe Allé 1 4640 Faxe DK

Trademark representatives

Kreuzbühlstrasse 8 8008 Zürich CH

goods and services

Bier, Ale und Porter; Mineralwässer und kohlensäurehaltige Wässer und andere alkoholfreie Getränke; Sirupe und andere Präparate für die Zubereitung von Getränken
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Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 15, 2023 2023051505 M05 Extension
May 10, 2023 2023051005 M80 Change Representative
May 10, 2023 2023051010 M85 Change Representative
April 16, 2014 2014041605 M90 Change Representative
June 7, 2013 2013060710 M05 Extension
May 28, 2013 2013052815 M60 Transfer / Change of address
August 6, 2003 2003080610 M30 Transfer / Change of address
August 6, 2003 2003080610 M30 Transfer / Change of address
June 30, 2003 2003063010 M05 Extension
June 15, 1993 1993061505 M50 Transfer / Change of address
April 30, 1993 1993043005 M05 Extension
March 25, 1991 1991032505 M30 Transfer / Change of address
March 25, 1991 1991032505 M30 Transfer / Change of address
November 15, 1973 1973111505 M00 Registration
November 15, 1973 1973111505 M00 Registration

ID: 121200098947