IGE IGE 1983 Trademark cancelled

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The Swiss trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 02/07/1983 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/12/1984. The current status of the mark is "Trademark cancelled".

Trademark Details Last update: August 30, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 00725/1983
Register number 2P-327635
Application date February 7, 1983
Publication date February 11, 1984
Entry date January 12, 1984
Expiration date February 7, 2023

Trademark owner

Via Violino 1 6928 MANNO CH

Trademark representatives

10, route de Florissant 1206 GENEVE CH

goods and services

7 16
Presses lithographiques, typographiques et d'imprimerie, parties et accessoires de tous ces produits. Papier, carton, formulaires, papier à lettres, cartes, cartes de visite, tracts, enveloppes, affiches; almanachs, blocs à dessin, calendriers, catalogues, couvertures (papeterie), enseignes en papier ou en carton, étiquettes, faire-part, feuilles (papeterie), fiches (papeterie), graphiques et diagrammes, manuels, papiers d'emballage, prospectus, sachets (enveloppes, pochettes pour l'emballage) en papier ou en matières plastiques, tablettes à écrire; articles pour reliures; photographies
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 30, 2023 2023083005 M15 Deletion
May 24, 2013 2013052405 M40 RAW: M40
November 22, 2012 2012112205 M05 Extension
March 18, 2009 2009031805 M70 Transfer / Change of address
May 20, 2008 2008052005 M65 Transfer / Change of address
November 3, 2005 2005110310 M98 RAW: M98
November 3, 2005 2005110315 M40 RAW: M40
November 3, 2005 2005110320 M70 Transfer / Change of address
December 20, 2002 2002122005 M85 Change Representative
December 20, 2002 2002122015 M05 Extension
January 12, 1984 1984011205 M00 Registration
January 12, 1984 1984011205 M00 Registration

ID: 121200032852