IGE IGE 1996 Trademark cancelled

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The Swiss trademark PRIVATE was filed as Word and figurative mark on 01/24/1996 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/22/1997. The current status of the mark is "Trademark cancelled".

Trademark Details Last update: March 19, 2018

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 00452/1996
Register number P-435529
Application date January 24, 1996
Publication date February 20, 1997
Entry date January 22, 1997
Expiration date January 24, 2016

Trademark owner

3, Bell Lane Gibraltar GI

goods and services

10 Instruments et appareils médicaux, de massages, pour les soins du corps et de stimulation corporelle; articles d'hygiène en caoutchouc; moyens mécaniques et électriques de stimulation érotique et sexuelle, y compris les appareils vibratoires et les appareils à action de pompage; membres et corps artificiels sous forme de mannequins, modèles, poupées; préservatifs
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 29, 2016 2016082905 M15 Deletion
February 28, 2006 2006022805 M80 Change Representative
January 24, 2006 2006012405 M05 Extension
January 22, 1997 1997012205 M00 Registration
January 22, 1997 1997012205 M00 Registration
January 22, 1997 1997012210 M25 Correction

ID: 121200008801